We can't mix the supernatural with the natural for then it is 1/3 God 1/3 the natural, and 1/3 our own interpretation. The lion's den in the Daniel's case. Balaam donkey speaking with human voice, the same goes for Noah's animals. They all fasted for even the building of Noah's ark was supernatural from start to finish. This is the problem why the ministry of the supernatural is so minimal, and almost nonexistent - people mix God with nature. I do not want to say that this is pagan, but in fact it is still very much a pagan mentality.


In order to understand the message of the Bible one must use the gift of logic. The propensity for logical thinking is already in most people, but the gift itself comes from the Creator. God is Spirit, which means: He is not a man or a woman in a physical sense. He is genderless, simply because He does not have a physical body. However, anything physical, like genders, symbolizes procreation and fruitfulness. All species in the entire creation propagate their kind through sex, from birds, to mammals to fish. Therefore, anything living in a physical form only symbolizes; and even reflects to certain extent, the Creator whose main objective must be procreation and protraction; and never destruction or its termination. Those are just the basics.

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